How can Microsoft Exchange Online benefit your business?

For the longest time, businesses have been installing email servers on site to have more control over their data. But the drawback of this setup is that it’s more expensive and you need to have a dedicated IT team to manage everything. Microsoft Exchange Online is a cloud-based email service that offers the same features […]

Why you should consider going for hosted Exchange services

Microsoft Exchange is proving to be a reliable and cost-effective email server service, but for many small businesses, the hardware costs that come with it are daunting. But fear not, as there’s a good way to still enjoy the benefits of Exchange without heavy server investments — and that’s hosted Exchange services. ​​What is Microsoft […]

How can hosted Microsoft Exchange help businesses?

Microsoft Exchange is widely considered to be one of the best email and office support programs for on-premises servers. If you’re looking for a new email server solution, you’ve probably come across hosted Exchange. But what is it and how can it help? Let’s take a look. What is Microsoft Exchange? Microsoft Exchange is a […]

The benefits of hyperconverged infrastructure

Hyperconvergence isn’t something only large enterprises can benefit from — businesses of all sizes should consider this infrastructure strategy. Read on to learn more about what hyperconvergence can do for your company. What are hyperconverged infrastructures? In a traditional IT environment, networking, server, and storage hardware need to be purchased separately and configured to work […]

Should you consider virtualization?

Knowing which technology to use and when to use it is key to boosting productivity and reducing costs. One of the best ways to do this is to virtualize your hardware and software. Let’s discuss what that means in practice to help you decide. What is virtualization? Virtualization is the creation of a virtual version […]

Advantages and costs of virtualization

Many businesses find virtualization to be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing new hardware. Previously, it was necessary to allocate a new server for new applications. Now, virtual servers can run multiple operating systems and applications, eliminating hardware costs and optimizing software deployment and data backup. Find out if virtualizing your IT infrastructure is right for […]

The benefits of hosted Exchange

Servers can host almost every type of business program, with email being one of the most common. When businesses look for email server services, they look for Microsoft Exchange. But if you’re looking to save on infrastructure costs, you might want to consider Microsoft’s hosted Exchange. Here’s what you need to know. What is Microsoft […]

Four questions to answer before virtualizing

You’ve probably heard that virtualization saves money, but how can you take advantage of this? Did you know that choosing not to virtualize can hurt your business? Answer these four questions to discover why virtualization is good for you.  Studies have shown that over 70% of IT budgets go to “keeping the lights on.” If […]

Keep your business alive with BCP

Events out of your control can disrupt your business operations. While you can’t necessarily control the unexpected, you can take some precautions to prevent most business disruptions. Here are some things to consider when developing a business continuity plan (BCP). Backup your data, applications, and servers Today, companies are more dependent than ever on IT […]

Cloud migration made safe and secure

If you’re thinking of transitioning your business to the cloud, consider the security of the platform. While providers would like us to believe that the friendly, fluffy cloud image used to market the service means it is automatically secure, the reality is far different. Just ask one of the nearly seven million Dropbox users who […]

Cloud migration can be an intimidating and a complex endeavor. Download our eBook, How Your Business Can Achieve a Successful Cloud Migration to learn best practices and get started on the right foot.Get your FREE copy here!
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