The benefits of hyperconverged infrastructure

Hyperconvergence isn’t something only large enterprises can benefit from — businesses of all sizes should consider this infrastructure strategy. Read on to learn more about what hyperconvergence can do for your company. What are hyperconverged infrastructures? In a traditional IT environment, networking, server, and storage hardware need to be purchased separately and configured to work […]

Advantages and costs of virtualization

Many businesses find virtualization to be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing new hardware. Previously, it was necessary to allocate a new server for new applications. Now, virtual servers can run multiple operating systems and applications, eliminating hardware costs and optimizing software deployment and data backup. Find out if virtualizing your IT infrastructure is right for […]

Containers: Setting the record straight

Virtualization and container technologies are confusing topics in their own right, and comparing and contrasting them is even harder. To understand the differences between container and virtualization technologies, it’s best to clear up some commonly misunderstood information on how they work. Containers are made up of the bare minimum hardware and software requirements to allow […]

The benefits of hyperconvergence

Routers, switches, modems, gateways, firewalls, servers, and storage devices — these are just some of the many machines you need to build a network infrastructure that enables effective internal and external communications. Even when pared down to serve fewer users, the costs of building a similar infrastructure were prohibitive for SMBs, at least until hyperconvergence […]

3 Tips for Virtualization as a DR solution

Although many business owners think that Virtualization and Disaster Recovery (DR) are two separate services, the former can actually be used as a legitimate solution to the latter. Here’s how it works, along with some pointers to keep in mind should you choose virtualization as your disaster recovery plan. Unlike tape backups, Virtualization restores your […]

Virtualization and Windows Server 2019

If Microsoft’s latest server software is any indication, the virtualization trend shows no signs of slowing down. The first preview of Windows Server 2019 was released in March and includes a number of features focused on IT efficiency. Let’s take a look at the most valuable updates for small businesses. Windows Server 2019 In March, […]

Microsoft’s free virtualization upgrade

Virtualization is difficult to understand. The technology itself is complex, and the industry is dominated by vendors that the average business owner has never heard of. Almost everyone knows Microsoft though, and its virtualization platform just got a big speed boost that won’t cost users a thing — if they know how to take advantage […]

Common misunderstandings about containers

Business owners barely had time to acquaint themselves with virtualization before the next trend stormed onto the scene. Although container and virtualization applications both allow users to divvy up software and hardware more efficiently, containers have many advantages over virtualized machines. There are a number of misunderstandings though, and it’s time to set the record […]

Containers Vs. VMs: performance variations

2016 saw containerization (container-based virtualization) take off as a way for companies to utilize virtual platforms more efficiently. While containers use less resources than their virtual machine (VM) counterparts, performance differences are subtle and don’t necessarily make containers better. For more information on understanding the differences between containers and virtual machines, check out what these […]

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