How can Microsoft Exchange Online benefit your business?

For the longest time, businesses have been installing email servers on site to have more control over their data. But the drawback of this setup is that it’s more expensive and you need to have a dedicated IT team to manage everything. Microsoft Exchange Online is a cloud-based email service that offers the same features […]

Three client level virtualization options

Virtualization has permanently changed the world of IT and computing and bringing with it the overhaul of IT architecture and workflow. One would think that it would reach its saturation point sooner or later but with constant innovation and development, virtualization has permeated and penetrated deep as to reach the client level. Here are three […]

Aspects of virtualization: licenses

Software licensing has been a thorn in everybody’s side for as long as we can remember. It’s no surprise that as software begins to help us to consolidate and combine pieces of hardware through virtualization, we’re confronted with this problem yet again. SMBs are often unfortunate victims of licensing models that favor individual or enterprise […]

How virtualization helps cut costs

For the past year Strem Chemicals, a Massachusetts-based company which manufactures and markets specialty chemicals, has utilized virtualization. This process has seen them improve in several areas such as cost reduction and even disaster recovery. This is one of thousands of companies that has saved a substantial amount of money since incorporating virtualization into their […]

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