Harnessing ChatGPT to drive business success

ChatGPT has been a major topic of conversation in recent months, and it’s easy to see why. It’s an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that understands and mimics written human language, so that it can engage in seamless conversations and accomplish a wide range of commands.

Start 2023 right with these success-oriented New Year’s resolutions

Setting New Year's resolutions can provide your business with a sense of focus and purpose that can help you succeed in an ever-changing market. By committing to select tasks or projects that align with your company’s mission statement, you can stay on top of trends, assess your current capabilities, and make better decisions for the future.

What are the traits of an effective team?

Teamwork is an important aspect of most jobs. When workloads are divided equally and allocated according to each team member’s strengths and skills, tasks are completed faster and more efficiently, resulting in a significant productivity increase.

According to a study by Google, however, it’s not enough to hire the most qualified people to build a strong team.

More to social media value than meets the eye

A lot of businesses are still mystified as how to measure just what kind of value they are truly getting from social media. Because it is a medium that is still evolving, it can be hard to understand just what works and what doesn’t when it comes to social media and measuring its value. In […]

The link between big data and profit

One of the biggest, buzziest phrases making the rounds in corporate circles at the moment is “big data”. But what does big data actually mean? What is it and, more importantly, what can it do for your business or organization? The good news is that it’s not just another tired old buzz word that actually […]

How to use data to add business value

We all know that data is valuable. After all, the more we know about the inner workings of our business and how our customers behave, the better. But knowing that data is crucial in helping to move your organization forward, and knowing exactly how to use that information to do so are two very different […]

Tips to add value to your blog

Blogging has gone from being a fun side project for aspiring creatives to an absolute necessity for businesses of all sizes. For many companies, especially small to medium-sized ones, it’s likely to be just about the only web page that is updated with any regularity on their websites. And that’s why you need to be […]

Improve your overall cybersecurity posture by empowering your workforce to recognize and prevent social engineering attacks. Our FREE eBook will teach you how to design and implement a cybersecurity awareness training program that works.Learn more here
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