Optimizing efficiency and enhancing customer experience with AI

Beyond the established benefits of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), AI-powered VoIP offers a transformative approach. This innovation harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline telecommunications operations and deliver a superior user experience. AI-powered call analysis AI-powered customer experience analysis offers valuable insights into your customer service operations. These tools can automatically parse call recordings, identifying […]

Why your business needs to embrace new technology

Many businesses today rely on new technology to enhance productivity, facilitate efficient communication with clients, and ensure steady growth. At the same time, customers and employees alike expect technology to fulfill their day-to-day requirements. When a business fails to keep up with these demands, people tend to seek alternatives, including turning to competitors and using […]

How call recording can help your business

Problems tend to occur when an employee can’t remember important conversations or what was agreed upon over the phone. Recording phone calls is an ideal way to resolve this issue. When your business records customer service calls, you can review previous conversations with customers and resolve issues faster. But that’s not all — here are […]

4 Ways AI-powered VoIP can benefit your business

In business, time is money. For instance, the faster you can communicate with colleagues and customers, the more productive you can be. That’s why so many companies are turning to AI-powered Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for their telecommunications needs. This technology offers a number of benefits and features over traditional phone systems. Keep reading […]

Why your company should record calls

If you own and operate a small- or medium-sized business that relies on positive word of mouth, you probably need to make sure the quality of your customer service is top-notch. It definitely pays to have excellent products and/or services in the first place, but it wouldn’t hurt to leverage other tools at your disposal. […]

Is AI-powered VoIP the next step?

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common across numerous industries. In fact, AI-powered Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is reshaping business telecommunications. These are the features your company will benefit from the most. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems with conversational AI An IVR system is designed to automatically respond to customer […]

Here’s how to choose the right VoIP solution for your SMB

Many small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) turn to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as their telephony solution. VoIP allows them to make calls either through traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based phones (softphones). Find out the pros and cons of both phone options so you can decide which one fits your business best. What’s a […]

Top reasons to record your business calls

Voice over Internet Protocol’s (VoIP) call recording feature has been around for a while now. However, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that don’t prioritize customer interaction are underutilizing it. When used properly, call recording can strengthen your company’s reputation and boost customer satisfaction. #1. Improve customer service One of the most important reasons why businesses […]

The SMB’s guide to staying afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic

More than being a global health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic is also upending the global economy. Many businesses find themselves facing the grim reality that if they don’t find a way to adapt to the crisis, they’ll end up closing their doors for good. Here are some tips that can help your business get through […]

How AI can shape the future of VoIP

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) are among the fastest-growing elements in the technology industry. Emerging AI-driven applications and cloud-based services provide significant enhancements to businesses, with AI’s cognitive nature and VoIP’s cost-saving potential proving to be a match made in heaven. As time goes by, these technologies will become staples in […]

Cloud migration can be an intimidating and a complex endeavor. Download our eBook, How Your Business Can Achieve a Successful Cloud Migration to learn best practices and get started on the right foot.Get your FREE copy here!
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