The 3 biggest disaster recovery myths that businesses should ignore

Disaster recovery (DR) has undergone major changes for the better since cloud computing became popular. In particular, small- and medium-sized businesses have benefitted from cheaper and more reliable DR solutions. But there are still plenty of misconceptions about DR that are keeping many business owners from adopting the right DR strategies. Here are three myths […]

3 Disaster recovery myths, debunked

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. However, many business owners still cling to some DR myths that can safely be disregarded, such as these three. Myth 1: Tape backups are the best DR solution Tape backups are physical objects that deteriorate over time. Try listening […]

Ignore these outdated disaster recovery myths

Disaster recovery (DR) used to be an expensive solution that relied predominantly on tape backups. Today, cloud computing has dramatically changed the DR landscape, affording even small- and medium-sized businesses cheaper and more reliable DR solutions. Unfortunately, there are still a number of misconceptions about DR. Here are three myths that no longer apply. Myth […]

The SMB’s guide to staying afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic

More than being a global health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic is also upending the global economy. Many businesses find themselves facing the grim reality that if they don’t find a way to adapt to the crisis, they’ll end up closing their doors for good. Here are some tips that can help your business get through […]

Ignore these outdated disaster recovery myths

Technology changes so rapidly. With disaster recovery (DR), we see business owners clinging to ideas that no longer apply. What kind of DR myths are still widely accepted by the masses? Here are three that need to be retired immediately.  Tape backups are the best DR solution Backup tapes are physical objects that deteriorate over […]

Small businesses are lucrative targets for cybercriminals

After analyzing over 53,000 cybersecurity incidents, Verizon’s 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report revealed that 58% of all malware victims were small businesses. Although there was a time when hackers preferred one-off attacks against big-fish targets, new types of malware have made it easy to automate small-scale attacks against thousands of victims.

Microsoft adds new Office 365 apps for SMBs

There’s a good reason why businesses like Office 365: It’s a feature-rich productivity suite that gets plenty of upgrades throughout the year. Last month, Microsoft announced four new upgrades that will make the cloud platform even more irresistible for small- and medium-sized businesses. Microsoft Connections Email marketing campaigns are a great way to build relationships […]

Disaster Recovery myths that no longer apply

Disaster Recovery ain’t what it used to be. Long gone are the days where a DR solution cost over a hundred thousand dollars and predominantly relied on tape backups. With the onset of cloud computing, today’s DR landscape has dramatically changed. But, unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions about DR still hanging around. Here are […]

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