Here’s how 5G revolutionizes VoIP

5G is the next generation of wireless technology, and it is set to revolutionize the way we use the internet mainly because of its vastly improved speed. This improved speed, as well as 5G’s reduced latency, make 5G the ideal technology for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications. Given all these benefits, businesses should definitely […]

Here’s how 5G will transform VoIP for the better

VoIP improved dramatically when telecoms shifted from 3G to 4G — and businesses are in for a treat once 5G is rolled out. Mobile VoIP VoIP calls rely heavily on sufficient download and upload speeds. For example, when mobile VoIP users on 4G networks are limited to 12 Mbps upload and 2 Mbps download speeds, […]

Technology: Shaping the future of healthcare

Digital technology has revolutionized many industries, and it’s no surprise that it’s making waves in healthcare. Numerous advancements are helping reform unsustainable healthcare systems, develop cheaper, faster, and more effective cures for diseases, and improve the welfare of patients and healthcare providers alike. The future of medicine and healthcare simply lies in successfully leveraging these […]

IT innovations that transform healthcare

Healthcare IT is on the cusp of several game-changing IT trends. They’re things that are likely to derail the healthcare industry’s apple cart, as it were, by introducing completely new ways of diagnosing patients, conducting clinical trials, treating illnesses, and much more. The “internet of things” The “internet of things” (IoT) literally means that more […]

3 fascinating advances in health-tech

The mere mention of the word “technology” elicits a certain expectation. Namely, that we’re dealing with something that’s modern, and new, and has the potential to change our lives. The word “disruptive” is also indicative of change, so a term like “disruptive technology” may seem redundant. But in healthcare it makes perfect sense as the […]

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