Face it: Biometric authentication is the future of mobile security

Remembering passwords and PINs is a thing of the past. With the rise of technology, biometric authentication has become the new norm for securing our mobile devices. And it’s no surprise considering its many advantages over traditional methods of authentication. The password predicament In the past, we’d considered password management a minor inconvenience, but the […]

Level up your security with biometric authentication

With passwords alone becoming more and more insufficient to ward off sophisticated cyberattacks, biometric authentication offers a more secure and convenient alternative. This innovative technology scans for a person’s distinctive physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, to verify their identity before granting them access to devices and accounts. In this blog, we take a look at […]

Mastering mobile security: A step-by-step guide to erasing Android data

Our mobile devices house a wealth of personal and professional data, including emails, contacts, messages, photos, and more. Protecting this sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands is imperative, especially when we decide to discard, sell, or trade in our devices. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial on how to securely erase […]

Ultimate checklist for securing your company’s mobile devices

The rise of remote work and the increasing use of mobile devices have made mobile security a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. As more and more employees access company data and resources from their smartphones, tablets, and laptops, the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches has grown significantly.

Mobile security threats: Key statistics that business owners should know in 2023

Cyberattacks have grown rampant in recent years, impacting devices of all forms, including smartphones and tablets. In 2023 alone, mobile Trojan attacks saw a critical rise and new malware variants emerged. We explore these trends below, highlighting key statistics from Kaspersky Security Network that business owners like you should be aware of to be able to protect your mobile devices and data.

Some advice on removing malware on Android

Android’s open-source ecosystem empowers developers to customize and create applications, but it also gives cybercriminals an opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities, distributing malware through Android apps. Learn how to safeguard your Android device by effectively removing malware. Here’s how. How to remove malware from your Android device If your Android device is infected with malware, the […]

How can mobile threat detection (MTD) improve business security?

Cybercriminals recognize the potential goldmine of sensitive information stored in business mobile devices. This is why they exploit security gaps in such devices to launch attacks, compromising data, finances, and reputation. As a result, businesses must adapt to this evolving threat landscape and implement comprehensive mobile security strategies. Mobile threat detection (MTD) has emerged as […]

How businesses can strengthen mobile security in the hybrid work era

In recent years, a growing number of businesses have adopted the hybrid work model. Hybrid work brings a host of benefits, such as better work-life balance, enhanced productivity, and improved employee morale, but it also introduces new challenges, particularly in the area of mobile security.

Why verify Android apps before installing them

Installing mobile applications on your Android device without proper verification can expose it to potential vulnerabilities, such as data breaches and unauthorized access. By adopting a systematic approach to app verification, you can protect your device and preserve the integrity of your personal data. This short guide offers practical tips on how to verify apps […]

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