How to ensure the security of IoT devices in healthcare

With the widespread implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, security concerns that were previously not considered have suddenly become a reality. In 2022, attacks using malware increased by 38% compared to the previous year. This equates to 1410 attacks per week – something device vendors must pay close attention to. Here are […]

IoT security in healthcare: What you need to know

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. By remotely capturing medical data, facilitating medication delivery, and improving healthcare accessibility, IoT devices today are changing the practice of medicine and helping save more lives. But as with any new technology, IoT also brings a slew of security risks that healthcare practices need to […]

Healthcare IoT: Security risks involved

The rule of cybersecurity states that anything that connects to the internet can be hacked. With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare industry, every business should be on alert. Devices that contain a treasure trove of patient data are attractive targets for cybercriminals. Healthcare apps, for instance, contain plenty of […]

Hide & Seek malware: What you need to know

You probably think your Internet of Things (IoT) devices don’t need as much protection as your PCs or laptops. Newsflash: They’re actually even more vulnerable to hacking. In fact, researchers have discovered a terrifying strain of IoT malware that can infect your devices. What is the Hide And Seek malware? The Hide and Seek (HNS) […]

2017’s most valuable IT solutions

How many new technologies did your business adopt last year? Too many? Too few? You’ve officially made it through 2017 and there’s no better time than now to review which IT fads were worth investing in, and which ones should be left in the past. Look no further than our recap of last year’s most […]

IoT in healthcare: Blessing or curse?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to completely revolutionize the healthcare industry. Innovations like smart pacemakers and fitness trackers monitor patients’ vitals and unearth patterns that can lead to more accurate diagnoses. But like any new technology, it also brings a slew of security risks healthcare professionals need to address. IoT security risks […]

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