Malware that can infect your Apple computer

If you’ve been noticing strange behavior on your Apple computer lately, it could be infected with malware. Read on to learn about the common types of Mac malware and how to detect them. Types of malware that can target your Mac The following types of malware can be highly disruptive and cause considerable damage to […]

Properly securing customers’ PHI

Cybercriminals continue to find ways to penetrate organizations and steal sensitive data. It is therefore critical that businesses take steps to secure their systems in order to protect customers’ protected health information (PHI). Read on to learn more about how you can keep PHI safe from cybercriminals. What is PHI? PHI is any information about […]

Got infected by ransomware? Here’s what you need to do

When your business is hit with ransomware, the clock starts ticking. You have very limited time to act before the damage becomes irreparable. While it may be tempting to pay the ransom and hope for the best, this is almost never a good idea. Instead, you need to immediately take the following steps to minimize the damage and begin the recovery process.

A guide to IT security terms everyone should know

You’ve probably heard the term “malware” thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? In this article, we will define malware and a few other commonly used terms in IT so you can better protect your business. Understanding these basic cybersecurity concepts doesn’t require deep IT expertise, so read on. Malware For a […]

Safeguard your Android devices from ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that locks users out of their devices or encrypts their data until a ransom is paid. This form of attack has become increasingly widespread in recent years, and it has even begun to target Android devices. This certainly poses a threat to any business, so it’s important that you […]

Windows 11: First things to set up and customize

Microsoft’s Windows 11 operating system offers a number of improvements over Windows 10, including a new Start menu and a more functional Taskbar. If you have just purchased a laptop running on Windows 11, or are planning to upgrade your current device, then you will need to know how to set it up. In this […]

Are Macs immune to malware?

Windows computers tend to deal with an assortment of malware, but many people fail to realize that even Apple computers face similar threats. As cybercriminals have become more adept at finding exploits and other vulnerabilities, more and more Macs have also fallen prey to malware. Here are some threats you need to look out for […]

Basic cybersecurity terms everyone should know

If the only cybersecurity terms you know are “virus” and “hacking,” now is the time to expand your cybersecurity vocabulary. This will enable you to better understand the variety of risks in the online world and protect your computers, data, and yourself. Here’s a short yet handy list of cybersecurity terms you should know. Malware […]

If you’re experiencing a ransomware attack, try these online decryptors

While the threat of ransomware pretty much encompasses all of cyberspace nowadays, not everyone realizes that some ransomware threat responses are readily available for anyone who might need them. Take a gander at these decryptor websites, for instance. They may come in handy sometime. The state of ransomware in 2021 so far Businesses need to […]

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