How familiar are you with cloud services for SMBs? Take this quiz to find out!

Cloud services are a game-changer for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). They offer cost-effective and powerful IT solutions that empower SMBs to compete with larger enterprises.

As a business owner, it’s important to understand the different types of cloud services available and how they can benefit your business.

Data backup solutions your business should use

Data loss, whether caused by equipment failure, human error, natural disasters, disgruntled employees, or cyberattacks, is a major threat to your business. If you’re not prepared, losing sensitive data can bring your business to a grinding halt. Fortunately, the following backup solutions can help prevent such a scenario. Tape drives Tape drives are the oldest […]

4 Data backup solutions for your business

Modern businesses use data in almost every aspect of their operations. Without immediate and constant access to it, organizations will come to a grinding halt. That’s why it’s critical to have data backups — in the event of a disaster, companies risk losing valuable data if they don’t have backup strategies in place. Here are […]

Keep your data safe with Windows 10’s built-in backup features

Businesses rely on computers for their daily operations, so succumbing to a ransomware attack is devastating. Ransomware blocks access to all data, which can result in financial losses and the company closing down temporarily or permanently. Windows 10 offers built-in tools and cloud storage options so you can come out on the other side of […]

Windows 10 tools for backing up files

Ransomware attacks are in the news again. Thankfully, business owners are becoming more aware of the damaging effects of malicious software. Companies now realize that without safe and reliable data backup, important business information can fall into the wrong hands or be lost forever. Good thing Windows 10 offers easy-to-use tools like File History and […]

Data backup solutions for your business

Any business owner worth their salt knows the value of data to business. This is why it’s bizarre that many business owners don’t have a proper data backup strategy in place. Organizations of all sizes need to take a proactive approach to backing up their data, and there are several solutions they can implement to […]

Watch out for these 3 virtualization mistakes

“Prevention is better than cure,” says the scholar Desiderious Erasmus and it speaks true not only in the medical field but also in technology. To avoid having a problematic storage virtualization system, here are three common mistakes to watch out for. Poorly structured storage from the get go Within a virtualized data storage framework, information […]

What’s better, virtualization or the cloud?

Have you heard about cloud computing and virtualization technologies but don’t know the difference? Or maybe you’ve heard a fellow business owner talk about why one is better than the other? Here are the differences between the two and the things you must know to determine which solution is best for your business. Differences between […]

Keeping files secure with Windows 10

Businesses rely on computers for their daily operations, so getting afflicted by ransomware is devastating. It blocks access to all data, which can result in financial losses and the company closing down temporarily or permanently. Fortunately, Windows offers built-in tools and cloud storage options so you won’t have to fear data loss. File History Is […]

Virtualization troubles: 3 common pitfalls

Although data storage is only one of the many ways to benefit from virtualized hardware, it’s still the most common use of the technology. Despite this popularity, virtualized storage is susceptible to a number of mismanagement catastrophes. We’ve outlined the three most common mistakes when utilizing this technology, right here. Poorly structured storage from the […]

Cloud migration can be an intimidating and a complex endeavor. Download our eBook, How Your Business Can Achieve a Successful Cloud Migration to learn best practices and get started on the right foot.Get your FREE copy here!
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