Which is better for your business, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet?

With so many online communication tools available, choosing the right one for your business can be daunting. But two platforms stand out in terms of functionality and ease of use: Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. So, which platform is right for you? Call features Microsoft Teams’ paid version supports up to 300 participants per meeting, […]

Do you have the right internet bandwidth for remote working?

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many companies have had to change their mode of operation by requiring employees to work from home. However, many remote workers are quickly learning they can’t do their job adequately because they don’t have enough internet bandwidth. In this article, we’ll talk about how much bandwidth is ideal for remote […]

Choosing between Microsoft Teams and Google Meet

Microsoft Teams and Google Meet are two of the most popular online communication platforms today, thanks to their robust set of features that make staying connected with clients and colleagues easy and convenient. As the two tools are pretty much the same in terms of functionality, picking just one can be a challenge. Here, we […]

Internet bandwidth requirements for remote workers

Working from home is here to stay, and more businesses will continue to implement either a fully remote work policy or adopt a hybrid work model strategy. Some employees, however, may find it difficult to be as productive at home as they are at the office, especially if they don’t have sufficient internet bandwidth. But […]

Which is better, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet?

If your business hasn’t already found the right platforms to support your remote workforce, it’s high time you did so. When it comes to business communications, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet are among the best. Both come with audio and video call functions, but you may prefer one over the other once you get to […]

WebRTC: internet calls without the software

The VoIP industry is becoming increasingly hard to define. More and more are voice communications being made over internet connections, and sometimes you may not even realize you’re doing it. WebRTC is a newcomer to the internet-based telephony field. Read on to decide whether it’s for you. What is WebRTC? At its most basic, WebRTC […]

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