VoIP problems? Here’s how to fix them

To save money and increase efficiency, small- and medium-sized businesses should consider switching to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems. However, it is important to understand how to properly use this technology and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Here are some common VoIP issues and their solutions. Jitter Jittery or crackly audio on […]

How to deal with common VoIP problems

When it comes to saving money for small businesses, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a good solution. But not all VoIP systems are built the same. So when you’re ready to use this technology for your business, beware of these common VoIP pitfalls. Any of these VoIP issues can tarnish your company’s reputation and […]

Tips to optimize your VoIP call performance

You’ve likely heard of VoIP: the innovative telephony solution that can dramatically cut costs and replace your traditional phone line. While it may sound appealing, you might have a few reservations. What if the call quality isn’t up to par? What if your staff is confused by the technology? What if you have to deal […]

How to avoid common VoIP problems

When it comes to saving money for small businesses, VoIP is one IT tool that is all the rage. For many organizations, it can cut phone expenses in half. So obviously the benefit of a VoIP system can be enormous. But is there a catch? With some VoIP providers, there certainly is. So when you’re […]

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