3 Types of hackers you should know about

Newspaper headlines and Hollywood movies have shaped our understanding of computer hackers, but in the real world it’s not so simple. Some hackers are making massive contributions to the field of cybersecurity, it just depends on which hat they’re wearing that day. Take a few minutes to learn about white, black, and gray hat hackers. […]

Common phishing scams and signs

Phishing is a well-known cybercriminal activity that involves the theft of personally identifiable information like login, banking, and credit card details. At the heart of any phishing attempt is a well-designed spoofed email or website, and phishers count on employees being so busy that they easily fall prey to such tactics.

Cloud migration made safe and secure

If you’re thinking of transitioning your business to the cloud, consider the security of the platform. While providers would like us to believe that the friendly, fluffy cloud image used to market the service means it is automatically secure, the reality is far different. Just ask one of the nearly seven million Dropbox users who […]

What exactly is proactive cybersecurity?

Do you spend hours obsessing about the inner workings of DNS-layer security, intrusion prevention systems, and data encryption? If you’re not a managed IT services provider (MSP), you probably don’t. Instead, you’re probably looking for a business partner to manage those nitty-gritty details for you. However, there’s one thing you really ought to know: What […]

6 Tips to keep your Mac computer safe

If you’re a Mac user, data privacy and security should be your #1 priority. Without the right security measures, you’re inviting cybercriminals to steal your critical data. Are you willing to take the risk? Secure your computer and fortify your defenses with these six tips.  The basics First, let’s start with the basics and head […]

4 types of hackers to watch out for

When it comes to cyberattacks, most business owners get hung up on the technical and logistical details, forgetting another important aspect: motive. Why are hackers attacking people and organizations? And whom are they targeting? By answering these questions, you’ll have a better understanding of which of your business’s resources need the most protection. Script Kiddies […]

Beware of these social engineering tactics

The volume of malicious cyber attacks is increasing every year. Although many companies use the latest network security systems, they aren’t immune to the hackers’ favorite strategy — social engineering. Unlike malware, social engineering tricks people into volunteering sensitive data. Here’s what you should know to protect your business. Phishing This is the most frequently […]

5 Easy tips for preventing data breaches

Avoiding malware and online scams takes a lot of work. You have to treat every email with suspicion, manage a long list of convoluted passwords, and avoid public WiFi networks. Ideally, you follow several other cybersecurity best practices, but many users don’t believe they’re worth the time. If you’re one of those people, here are […]

What are the risks of BYOD?

Taking work home, or practically anywhere, has never been easier. The bring your own device (BYOD) strategy has become a popular approach for many businesses to conduct work more efficiently and flexibly. But this strategy is not without risks. BYOD, if not implemented correctly, can make your system susceptible to a number of attacks. Here […]

Spectre makes a comeback

When one cyberattack is stopped, another more powerful variant almost always takes its place. It happens all the time with ransomware, computer viruses, and Trojan horses. Recently, this has become the case with Spectre attacks, which exploit a fundamental flaw in modern computer chips. Here’s everything you need to know. Spectre 101 For those who […]

Improve your overall cybersecurity posture by empowering your workforce to recognize and prevent social engineering attacks. Our FREE eBook will teach you how to design and implement a cybersecurity awareness training program that works.Learn more here
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