How dark web monitoring can secure your business data and assets

How dark web monitoring can secure your business data and assets

Many people are surprised to learn that there is an entire part of the internet that’s hidden and only accessible through special browsers and networks. This area of the web is known as the dark web. It's a space that's often used for criminal activity, such as selling drugs and weapons, or buying and selling sensitive information like credit card and Social Security numbers. Because of its enigmatic nature, dark web activity can be difficult to track.

Fortunately, businesses can turn to dark web monitoring services to help protect their data and assets from malicious actors.

What is dark web monitoring?

Dark web monitoring is the process of scanning and analyzing activity on the dark web to detect threats that could put businesses at risk. It typically involves using a combination of software, artificial intelligence, and human analysis to identify and investigate trends and suspicious activity, such as the sale of stolen data and accounts.

But dark web monitoring tools and services don’t just alert businesses to potential risks. These also provide key insights into the types of data criminals are after and the methods they use to access it. This information can be invaluable in developing effective security strategies, which can ultimately reduce the risk of data breaches and other cyberattacks.

Why is dark web monitoring essential?

Leaked or stolen information can lead to serious repercussions for businesses, including financial losses, reputational damage, and legal issues. By monitoring the dark web, businesses can determine when their data is being sold or traded and take immediate action to protect it.

In addition, many businesses are legally obligated to report any potential breaches of customer data. With dark web monitoring, they can be made aware of the risks immediately, allowing them to alert the appropriate authorities and mitigate any damages as soon as possible.

Finally, dark web monitoring can help businesses stay ahead of cybercriminals by keeping tabs on the latest malicious activities and tactics, such as malware trends, phishing campaigns, and other forms of cybercrime. Businesses can use this information to enhance their existing security measures and stay prepared for potential attacks.

Protecting against dark web threats

In addition to dark web monitoring, there are a few other things businesses can do to protect themselves from dark web threats.

Implement holistic security measures

A comprehensive approach to security includes implementing firewalls, multifactor authentication (MFA) protocols, identity and access management systems, and data encryption tools. Having a multilayered security strategy is the best way to protect against a wide range of threats.

Automate account takeover prevention

There are tools available to help automatically detect and respond to suspicious activity on an organization's accounts. Businesses can use these tools to track login attempts, verify user identity, and block unauthorized access in real time.

Perform regular risk assessments

Regularly assessing the security of all systems and networks is a must for any business. Vulnerability scans can identify any potential weak spots in the security infrastructure, allowing businesses to quickly patch them before attackers can exploit them.

Secure personal accounts

One of the most common ways attackers steal business data is through compromised personal accounts. To prevent this, businesses should encourage their employees to use strong passwords and enable MFA or two-factor authentication on all their accounts.

Build a strong cybersecurity culture

People are said to be the weakest link in any security system, which is why businesses should emphasize the importance of cybersecurity to their employees. Businesses should create a culture where cybersecurity is seen as an organization-wide responsibility and employees are encouraged to be vigilant about protecting the data they handle. Educating employees about the latest threats and best security practices can go a long way in preventing most, if not all, security incidents.

By making cybersecurity a priority, businesses can drastically reduce their risk of falling victim to dark web threats.

NetQuest can help you take the first step toward better security with our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. Contact us today to learn more.

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